Twins Fan Does Miley Cyrus Impression at Baseball Game

Twins Fan Does Miley Cyrus Impression GIF

Minnesota Twins Fan Does His Best Miley Cyrus Impression to the Disgust of the Girls Sitting Next to Him, at least the Guy has No Shame.

Ortizing (aka Papi’ing) is the new Tebowing

As I am sure man you saw last night, David Ortiz freaked out in last nights baseball game against the Baltimore Orioles, swinging and breaking multiple bats against a post in the dugout. As is common these day with sports, this has started a new craze I call Papi’ing but since this is very hard… Continue reading Ortizing (aka Papi’ing) is the new Tebowing

Daniel Pallie Checks Sidney Crosby to Ice GIF

Daniel Pallie checks Sidney Crosby to the Ice I know this is a bit dated but with the way Daniel Pallie has been playing over the last two games of the Stanley Cup Finals I though it was appropriate. Plus who doesn’t like a GIF. Daniel Pallie lays out the always fragile Sidney Crosby causing… Continue reading Daniel Pallie Checks Sidney Crosby to Ice GIF