Madden Cover Curse Infographic

Madden cover curse proves to be more and more real ever year. Personally, I feel that Peyton Hillis and/or Vince Young were the two worst, what do you think?

Madden Curse

Madden Cover Curse Infograph

Fastest Growing Industries Businesses of 2013 Infograph

List of the Fastest Growing Industries of 2013

Nothing on this list is much of a shock to me except for Social Network Games. Don’t get me wrong I know this is a very popular industry these days but I did not think it would still be growing so much. I mean most people already play these types of games for years but clearly I was wrong.

Personal Care will only continue to grow as the Baby Boomers continue to get older. 3-D Printing I think is going to be the industry with the largest growth but the question is when. Personally I do not think 3-D printing will really catch on in the next 6 months (the end of 2013) but next few years sure. Until the costs go down and people become more aware of the technology and what can be done with it and what you can buy that is created using 3-D Printing it will not reach it’s full business potential.

Fastest Growing Industries & Businesses of 2013 Infograph

History of NFL Logos Infograph

Very cool infograph that displays the history of each NFL team’s logo. A lot of these I never knew, others are nearly impossible to tell what is different from year to the next (ex. Look at the Chiefs 2 logos from the 60’s and 70’s what is the difference between them? I really cannot tell).… Continue reading History of NFL Logos Infograph

Lebron James Better Than Jordan @ 28 & Why Being Bad Is Good In The NBA

Lebron James Better Than Jordan @ 28 & Why Being Bad Is Good In The NBA As much as I love Michael Jordan more than the egomaniac Lebron James, this pictures makes a very good argument for why Lebron is better than Jordan by age 28. Of course Jordan and the 90’s Chicago Bulls really… Continue reading Lebron James Better Than Jordan @ 28 & Why Being Bad Is Good In The NBA

Kobe vs Jordan vs Lebron

Can it be anymore clear who is the best nba player????